lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

I+D Temp Rez Module

This script is an amazing tool to work together with our SIM REZZER. Please take this into account, IT WILL ONLY WORK TOGETHER WITH OUR SIM REZZER, IF YOU DO NOT OWN IT THIS SCRIPT WILL NOT WORK ON ITS OWN. We insist in this point as we do not want you to buy the wrong tool. No refunds will be made.
But, if YOU ARE ONE OF THE LUCKY ONES WHO ALREADY WORKS WITH OUR SIM REZZER, this tool is its perfect combination. So far, you were able to store your scenes or houses and rez them with a simple click or prepare rez boxes to sell your creations. Now, you can prepare for your own enjoyment or for sale rez-boxes with your creations that, when rezzed, will occupy just a few prims. Why is that? Because they will rez on your land or your customer's land already set into primsavers. Primsaver is the common name given in SL for scripted balls that rez objects in a continuous temporal state. What you see is the same, the object is there for you to watch it and use it, but what your land counts as prims is just the scripted balls. With this system, a house built using 1000 prims could use a few prims when rezzed on your land. You have never seen anything like this, no limit to just one object per primsaver ball, no need to calculate positions and the great advantage to be able to sell your creations like this. Your clients will be so happy...and so will you :)
For those of you who are not aquanted with this kind of temporal rezzers, please note that objects with scripts will always present the same state they had when introduced in the ball. Their temporally rezzing of one minute each time they appear will not allow the correct long lasting running of script whitin these prims. To set an example: windows with the common window script. Once inside the primsaver you will not be able to run its script anymore, for each time you choose to change the window status, this status will only last for the one minute temp rezzing. After that it will go back to the original status in which you placed them inside the temp_rez.
The box to sell can also be used as a temporal exhibitor of your creations if you place it on your shop or land. People can temporally rez your houses or creations to see them in its real size.
As for your clients, we have thought of them too. Once they rez the house using the box they bought from you, for example, the primsaver balls will be rezzing it continuously. These balls have a menu to activate them and deactivate them (among other things) which can be managed by the owner and a person of his choice. So, clients can allow a partner to run or stop the system in their lands.

Este script es una valiosísima herramienta enfocada a trabajar conjuntamente con nuestro SIM REZZER. Es muy importante que tengáis esto en cuenta, NO FUNCIONA SOLO, FUNCIONA JUNTO CON EL SIM REZZER, si no lo tenéis no os servirá de nada y no nos haremos responsables ni se devolverá el dinero, así que, por favor no os confundáis con esto :)
Pero si eres de los afortunados que SI TIENE EL SIM REZZER, estás de suerte. Ahora no sólo podrás preparar cajas para vender o almacenar tus objetos y que se rezzeen escenarios completos con un simple click, si no que, además, estos objetos/casas/escenarios ocuparán unos pocos prims. Este script es capaz de agrupar todos los objetos que componen tu casa o escenario de manera que una o varias bolas-ahorra-prims (habitualmente conocidos como primsavers) los muestren de manera temporal continuada. El resultado: el objeto es siempre perfectamente visible y utilizable, pero el recuento de prims en el terreno se reduce al número de bolas-ahorra -prims. Por ejemplo, una casa que ocupa 1000 prims podría ocupar ahora tan sólo 1, 2 ó 3. No hay nada igual! Poder introducir tantos objetos como quieras, no tener que calcular las posiciones y poder vender tus creaciones con esta grandísima ventaja para tus clientes...Esto es lo que tienes entre tus manos.
Para aquellos que no estén familiarizados con los sistemas de rez temporal de los primsavers, advertimos que los prims que contengan scripts los mostrará en el estado en que se encontraban en el momento de introducirlos en la bola. Y que, al aparecer los objetos de manera temporal (max 1 minuto) sólo se podrá modificar ese script durante dicha "aparición temporal". Lo que significa, por ejemplo que las ventanas con script para oscurecerlas o aclararlas no son susceptibles de ser incluidas en ningún primsaver, ni en este TEMP REZ ni en ningún otro, si se quiere mantener dicha cualidad.
Esta caja preparada pa la venta, una vez que tu cliente la compra rezea los objetos por medio de unas bolas ahorradoras de prim que a su vez pueden ser activadas/desactivadas tanto por él mismo como por una persona que él elija: su parej

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